Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Our Last Day in Killarney

As the title implies today was our last day in Killarney. We didn't really have much in the way of plans for the day and that was just fine. Kristen had a bunch of stuff to get done with her MBA and I must admit that eight straight days of golf had gotten my attention......

However, since Kristen looked to be occupied all day, I ended up heading to Tralee Golf Club. We had heard a lot about it from some of the folks I had been paired with earlier on our trip. Kristen was going to be busy so I figured why not. Tralee was only a 35 minute drive from Killarney. i would be up and back in no time. Funny thing about driving in Ireland, it's easy to get turned around. Consequently, I missed my tee time by almost two hours. The starter said it was no bother and they paired me with three folks from the US. it was an uncle and his two nephews. Nice guys but golf was not their game. We were in for a VERY long round.....

The course was in excellent condition with several holes along the water's edge on the front nine. I almost jarred it on the par three 7th, leaving myself a tap in for birdie. Even though I was playing well, our pace of play was more than I could bare. I didn't want to be too late getting back to Kristen for dinner in Killarney. Hence, I packed it in after the front nine. Sadly, the back nine is supposed to be one of the strongest nines in Ireland. it would have to wait until next time.....
I made it back to Killarney to a happy Kristen. She had had a good day back in Killarney at the Ross Hotel. She got all of her MBA work done, she got her exam grade back (96) and she discovered the 2nd best salmon and prawn salad in the world there at the Ross. Remember, number one lives at Old Head. Happy Day....

For dinner, we went back to see our friend Johnny McGuire at Bricin. We wanted to make sure our last night in Killarney was a good one. Bricin didn't disappoint. Another wonderful meal and another chat with Johnny. While Kristen went downstairs to shop for a few, Johnny brought a bottle of special Irish Whiskey for me to try. Good man! As I said before, if ever in Killarney, go to Bricin. You shan't be disappointed.....

After dinner we made our way to Danny Mann's to hear some music. The duo, Natural Gas, was playing and we took a seat right up front. I couldn't think of a better way to end our time in Killarney. They played a great mix of Gaelic music as well as some of the more traditional Irish tunes. The lead singer played guitar and the other guy played a wide assortment of instruments. My favorite was the Irish version of the bag pipes. 

Per my request, they ended the night with the following.  I thought it a fitting ending for our first trip to Ireland. Amazing Grace in an amazing place. I hope you have all enjoyed being a part of our trip. Be well......

Old Head Golf Club.....Unparalleled Beauty

Old Head.....Unparalleled Beauty

After another wonderful dinner in Killarney and a restful night's sleep, we took our time getting going Sunday morning. We weren't set to tee off at Old Head until 3:00 pm or so. It was about a two hour trip from Killarney down to Kinsale. We headed east down through Cork until we made it to Kinsale. What a beautiful little seaside town it was. Full of restaurants and shops, there was plenty to do had we had more time. The drive to Kinsale was far easier than the drive through Kinsale. Our car was seemingly wider than most of the streets, which made for a nervous few minutes as we made our way through. It was like driving in San Francisco with all of the hills. We got through it though and were on our way to the course. Old Head sits on a peninsula high above the Atlantic. We had heard that this would be the most scenic of the courses we played this week. As we drove in, it was very clear that words would not do this place justice...

We had time for lunch prior to teeing off. I was playing by myself so there was no rush. Shocker.... Kristen had a smoked salmon and prawn salad, declaring it the best meal of the trip. The food at Old Head was certainly on par with everything else about the place. Top notch...
My caddy for the day was a young man named Paddy. He was a 15 year old young man from Bandon, just 15 minutes or so away. He knew the course well and was a delight to spend the afternoon with. The course is newer than all of the other links courses we played this trip. Famed golf course architect Eddie Hackett designed it. If he were still living I would love to shake his hand and say thanks. He did a fantastic job. The views were unrivaled. Simply the most beautiful golf course I have ever seen! Every hole had views of the ocean and most ran along the cliffs, making for some interesting sight lines off the tees. The greens were the fastest ones we saw during our trip. With the green speeds as fast as they were, the undulations on the greens themselves weren't as severe as some of the other courses we played. Nonetheless, Old Head was a stern test of golf. Possibly more difficult than the course itself was trying to concentrate on the golf and not the views. See for yourself.....

We made it back safely from Kinsale and Old Head in time for a late dinner at Salvadors. A big pizza hit the spot for me and Kristen went with a wonderful mango and crab meat salad. Another great meal to end another great day.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Waterville and the Ring of Kerry

Lucy met us just outside the entrance to Waterville. She didn't have much to say, but the look in her eyes told me she wanted to play too. It was quite a pretty drive on the way in to Waterville. The two hour trip took us counterclockwise along the Ring of Kerry (Thanks again Johnny) up and down several mountains before settling in by the Atlantic Ocean there in Waterville.  It looked as though the weather forecast was going to be in our favor as the sun was out and there was only a slight breeze. Perfect weather for such a beautiful course. We arrived in time to enjoy the "Full Irish" breakfast before hitting the links. playing the links at Waterville. After a brief warm up session we were ready to go. My caddy was a college student named Rowan. He was a good caddy and a nice young man, very respectful etc...Kristen joined us along the way but I could tell she was tired. She didn't get a good nights sleep last night and was dragging a bit. We would finish the first nine back by the clubhouse and she eventually went into the clubhouse to try rest and get some of her school work done (MBA). I played well and really enjoyed the course and friendly weather. I could see why the late great Payne Stewart spent so much time here in Waterville. A statue was erected in his honor in 2000.

The fairways here were a bit more generous than some of the previous courses played this week (Lahinch and Ballybunion) but the views were just as impressive. I loved how the ocean sat to one side with the river framing up the other side.  So peaceful out there. Hope you enjoy the views. I know we did....

I joined Kristen for some lunch in the clubhouse after the round before we headed back to Killarney. While hanging out in the clubhouse she decided that the clubhouse if where it all really happens. She observed the members sitting about, solving the worlds problems as they watched players finishing their rounds through the windows overlooking the course. Some of those men probably never set foot on the course that day. They still had plenty of fun I can guarantee it. I am so glad we came down here as it was an enjoyable morning for sure. The back half of the Ring of Kerry on our way home would proved to offer much the same.

The Ring of Kerry is a two lane highway that winds its way around the Kerry Peninsula in the very southwest portion of Ireland. There are some beautiful views of the mountains as well as the sea along the way. We didn't know what to expect as we took the Ring of Kerry, however, we are very glad we did. Ireland is such a beautiful place and she sure proved it on our way back. I continue to be impressed with this place...

Not far outside of Killarney, we ran across this beautiful lake up in the mountains. We had to stop and take a look. Several fishermen were down by the water's edge working on their limit of rainbow trout. We also made some more new friends along the way.

One last stop at the Torc Waterfall....

Today was a good day.....